Lesson 6 -- Solutions
5 points per item
5 points per item
- God is love and He does not approve of war and death.
D. Because God loves us, He desires that we become more like Him. He involves us in war so that we may learn the lessons of war — love and hate, respect for the rights of others, kindness, mercy, compassion and selflessness, among others. And after our lessons are over, death brings us back home where we belong.
- It is our duty to eradicate poverty and all forms of inequality.
D. The Earth is where we learn all about life. If poverty and all other forms of so-called disadvantageous conditions are not available to be experienced, how can anyone learn patience, kindness and humility? No, all these are necessary lessons and should not be eradicated. Jesus himself said, "Don’t resist evil." However as a rule, we should always strive to place them under our control and keep them within manageable levels.
- God is not just because the rich and powerful get away with their crimes.
D. No one can escape God’s justice. In the light of Reincarnation and Karma, all debts get paid sooner or later.
- Wealth and power are the true indications of success.
D. Wealth and power are simply given to those who need to learn certain lessons best learned when one is wealthy and powerful — the proper management and use of resources and the use of authority over others. And, at the same time, the opportunity is provided where one can do a lot of good.
- Good men are rewarded on earth.
D. Sometimes, they are, but more often not. Good men, assuming that they are also wise, would really prefer to have their rewards in heaven.
- Euthanasia or mercy killing is never justified.
D. In the first place, no one really dies, he just transitions into the next world. Further, the term mercy killing connotes that the person is suffering intolerably and his condition is terminal unto death. So what is really wrong with doing something for someone who can’t do it for himself, provided he first expressly asks for your help? In any case, the rule is to do what you would want others to do for you. However due mainly to ignorance of the Truth, the laws in place in the world still regard this act to be illegal and anyone who commits such an act risks being meted severe penalties under the law.
- Whatever we do, whether good or bad, we do to self.
A. Since we are merely parts of a Whole. What we do to any other part, we do to the Whole, and we do to self — our Higher Self. Jesus said, "Whatever you have done to the least of your brothers, you have done to me."
- We choose our sex.
A. Before we are even born, we choose the circumstances and conditions that we will encounter in life. Our sex is just one of these conditions.
- Positive thinking is the key to solving all of life’s problems.
D. There is a well-thought out plan already in place and operative in every life. It is a greater plan that takes precedence over the workings of our lower earthly nature, although we are usually not consciously aware of it. Nevertheless, it is best that we adhere to this divine plan because it was formulated even before we were born and takes into consideration a lot of very important and vital information which, at the moment, we are unable to recall.
Yes. A positive attitude can certainly help towards the resolution of some problems but not all, not those that will work to prevent the attainment of our spiritual objectives, not those that by the application of karma, we are duty-bound to suffer and endure. Any resolution of such problems even if achieved will only be temporary and those same circumstances and situations will recur life after life unless we learn the spiritual lessons that precisely brought on those problems and opportunities in the first place. Only then can we be totally free of them for the rest of our eternal life.
- Problems and crises in life are really opportunities for progress.
A. Problems and crises build strength and patience while bringing on added wisdom and other skills in the process.
- If one exercises regularly and lives moderately, he can prolong his life.
D. Once our planned lessons on earth are completed, we will die, leave class and go back to the Spirit World. It matters little whether we exercised or not or if we lived moderately. However, exercise and moderation do keep us fit while we are still in class, in the body.
- The insane are pathetic and insanity is a totally useless condition.
D. There are certain opportunities which are available only to those who are handicapped or completely helpless. The insane, especially, are passive recipients of kindness or abuse. Such situations afford very valuable lessons which otherwise cannot be learned as effectively.
- Homosexuals and lesbians are damned.
D. The third sex is just another condition that affords us the opportunities to learn our lessons, only more so, precisely because those belonging to this gender are looked down upon and persecuted. It is just that in the light of reincarnation, sometimes, the influence of many lives lived as a member of a particular sex is so overwhelming that when we incarnate as a member of the opposite sex, we tend to become disoriented for a time. This condition may continue until we are able to attain to a more balanced disposition. Eventually, however, we won’t need to become male, female or gay any longer, instead, we will be perfectly complete and sexless in Heaven.
- There will come a Day of Judgment.
A. There are many such days of judgment — after one earth life, at the end of an age and at the end of every major grade or cycle of instruction where the progress of spirit students in the world are evaluated and plans modified accordingly. Those who have made the grade will go on to the next higher level of instruction and those who have not done so well will have to repeat the same lessons all over again.
- Nothing good can ever come from gambling.
D. Gambling provides important lessons in decision-making, risk taking, biding one’s time, greed, self-control and discipline. In fact, those who persist will eventually develop into successful businessmen and wise decision-makers in the end.
- There can be no justification whatever for child abuse.
D. The important lessons here are not to do what you don’t want others to do to you, not to take advantage of the weakness of others, kindness, compassion and the like. Many victims were abusers in their past lives although this is not necessarily true in every case.
- There is no accident in the Universe.
A. God is in control and everything is happening according to His Divine Plan. Everything comes about through the application of natural laws, whether known or unknown. We need only to understand how and why.
- Alcoholism and drug addiction cause irreparable harm to the spirit.
D. The spirit is never harmed. Every experience adds to our store of knowledge and brings us closer to perfection. Inevitably, eventually, we will learn to take matters in hand, to gain greater control over our life and discipline ourselves more, and get back on the road to progress, harm to the disposable physical, mental and other bodies or vehicles, notwithstanding.
- Our human form is far superior to any alien life form.
D. The human form was specially designed to enable us to learn the lessons of this world most effectively. However, if we were to learn other subjects in other worlds, then other forms or vehicles may be more suitable and appropriate.
- Through creative visualization, we can materialize into being all that our heart desires.
D. While this law does operate, nevertheless, our lower earthly consciousness is subject to the higher consciousness of our Higher Self. Having access to all that we have already learned from all our past incarnations, our Higher Self is better able to judge if what our lower self proposes is really helpful to us in our present situation, spirit-wise. Where it is not, then that proposition will be rejected and all our efforts at creative visualization will not succeed.
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