The Secrets of the Kingdom

The Inner Quest Study Course on the Teachings of the Holy Spirits

Friday, November 03, 2006

First things first

Prerequisite Course

What did Jesus really teach?

By some estimates, better than 40 out of every 100 people in the world believe that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior. Yet, even in regard to fundamental issues relating to their faith, each of the believers holds opinions that differ with everyone else’s.

So who is right? How well do you know Jesus, yourself? And how deeply do you understand what he taught? Take the quick test below to find out.

But no cheating now. Just answer truthfully according to how you really feel. First, complete the test before you look up Jesus’ answers at the end. And prepare to be surprised.


On the left-most blank space, type in the letter “A” if you agree with the statement and “D” if you disagree. Then scroll down twice to find the Solutions.

__ 1 We are humans and mere mortals, we cannot be a god.

__ 2 Jesus is the only son of God.

__ 3 Being only human, we cannot be perfect.

__ 4 Only Jesus can ever do the things that he has done.

__ 5 Non-believers won't be allowed to enter heaven. They must convert to Christianity before they can be saved.

__ 6 Our Church elders are the best qualified to interpret the Divine Teachings because they base their conclusions on the revelations given to the Church and their age-old traditions.

__ 7 We should censor and block all offensive programs, films, pictures, thoughts and ideas from being shown or heard so they won't corrupt or harm our young and innocent.

__ 8 Our observance of prescribed rituals and ceremonies, and the offering of acceptable sacrifices to God will guarantee our entry into heaven.

__ 9 Power, fame and fortune are the true measures of success.

__ 10 Ignorance of the law will not save us from the consequences of our bad decisions.

__ 11 First, aspire for the riches of the world. Heaven can wait.

__ 12 God will not forgive you if you do not forgive others.

__ 13 God does not want us to become victims of injustice, or suffer from wars or natural calamities, or become sick or be poor or die.

__ 14 Jesus already paid for our sins. By his stripes, we are healed. We're sure to go to heaven if we will only believe him.

__ 15 Don't get mad. Get even.

__ 16 We should befriend only those wealthy and successful people who can help us and not bother with no good bums and freeloaders or those sick and disabled do-nothings who can't repay or help us, at all.

__ 17 The voice of the people is the voice of God.

__ 18 The great men of the world are regarded as great also in heaven.

__ 19 God only knows. We humans are not allowed to know everything.

__ 20 Many are called, but only a few will respond to his call.


How the New Testament came to be written

Many believe because it is written in the Gospels. However, perhaps we should first better understand how the Gospels came to be written before we decide to place our total trust in them.

Jesus taught the people directly and he did reveal much more but only to his chosen disciples. In the early days, the gospel message could only be passed on to others by word of mouth. But in the retelling from one disciple to the next, understandably, so much was lost and the message splintered into many different versions that became corrupted, garbled and distorted. It was only a hundred years later that everything was put down in writing, not by those who heard it first-hand, but by monks to whom the message was entrusted by others before them. Contrary to popular belief, while Matthew and John were chosen Apostles, they themselves were not the authors of the Gospels written in their names, according to most Bible scholars.

Mark, Luke and Paul were not even included among the 12 Apostles and were not taught by Jesus, directly. Their appreciation of the stories and teachings relied heavily likewise on the testimonies of others. Further, while his true motivation and intent are beyond reproach, Paul's formulation of his own theology were to some extent influenced by his Roman upbringing and the high ideas taught him by his mentor, Gamaliel. These influences resulted in him departing in no small measure from the teachings of Jesus given to the Apostles. In fact, many modern scholars are of the opinion that the Christianity embraced by most people today is more Paul's than Christ's, since it was Paul who preached and spread the faith to the Gentiles.

The formulation of Church teachings

Centuries after, the whole of Christendom found itself in total chaos, confused as to what Jesus really taught. The ruling majority of early Church Fathers decided to hammer out a unified set of beliefs, later known as the Nicene Creed, that spelled out in explicit detail what in their considered opinion the teachings should be based on their chosen Scriptures and age-old traditions. And nearer our time, disagreements among the flock caused dissension in the ranks that resulted in the breaking away of multitudes of factions and minor sects based on their differing interpretations of the teachings. The confusion still persists, today.

But did Jesus really teach what his followers insist he did?

The Teachings of Jesus, in his own words

1 We are humans and mere mortals, we cannot be a god.

D "Isn’t it written in your Scriptures, ‘You are gods.’" (JN 10)

2 Jesus is the only son of God.

D "Who is my mother? And who are my brothers?" Then he pointed to his disciples and said, "Look! Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does what my Father in heaven wants him to do is my brother, my sister and my mother." (MT 12)

3 Being only human, we cannot be perfect.

D Jesus said, "But you are to become perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect." (MT 5)

4 Only Jesus can ever do the things that he has done.

D He also said, "All that I have done, you, too, can do." (JN14)

5 Non-believers won't be allowed to enter heaven. They must convert to Christianity before they can be saved.

D Jesus said, "I have other sheep which are not of this (Judaeo-Christian) fold." (JN 10)

"Don’t stop him, because those who are not against us are working with us." (LK 9)

"Whoever rejects me and does not accept my teachings will, nevertheless, be judged according to the truths I have spoken." (JN12:48)

6 Our Church elders are the best qualified to interpret the Divine Teachings because they base their conclusions on the revelations given to the Church and their age-old traditions.

D "‘These people honor Me with their words, but they really have no love in their hearts for Me. Their worship is a farce because they teach people man-made laws as if they were God’s laws!’ You have set aside God’s commands just so that you may keep your own traditions." (MK 7)

Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples: "The teachers of the law and the Pharisees are the authorized interpreters of the law, just as Moses was before them. So you should obey and follow everything they tell you to do. It may be best for you to do what they say; only, don’t follow after their examples, because they don’t practice what they preach!" (MT23)

7 We should censor and block all offensive programs, films, pictures, thoughts and ideas from being shown or heard so they won't corrupt or harm our young and innocent.

D Christ also said, "It is not what enters our body (what we see, hear or is done to us) but what comes out of it (the things we do) that defiles us." (MT 15)

8 Our observance of prescribed rituals and ceremonies, and the offering of acceptable sacrifices to God will guarantee our entry into heaven.

D "Man must love God with all his heart, with all his mind and with all his strength; and he must love his neighbor as he loves himself. It is more important to obey these two commandments than to offer altar animals and other sacrifices to God." (MK 12)

"You hypocrites! For you tithe down to the last mint leaf in your garden but ignore the more important things — justice, mercy and faith. Yes, you should tithe, but you shouldn’t leave the more important things undone." (MT 23)

9 Power, fame and fortune are the true measures of success.

D "Don’t waste your time accumulating the fleeting treasures of this earth which can last only for a time and can be stolen, besides. But strive for the true treasures of heaven which cannot be destroyed and which cannot be stolen." (MT 6)

"For what good is it for a man to gain the whole world if, in exchange, he loses his eternal soul?" (MK 8)

"Yes, every man is a fool who is rich in the things of this world, but not in the things of heaven." (LK 12)

"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God!" (MT 19)

10 Ignorance of the law will not save us from the consequences of our bad decisions.

A "Whoever rejects me and does not accept my teachings will, nevertheless, be judged according to the truths I have spoken." (JN 12)

11 First, aspire for the riches of the world. Heaven can wait.

D "But first, seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be ours, as well." (MT 6)

12 God will not forgive you if you do not forgive others.

A "If your brother commits an offense against you, inform him of his mistake; and if he should be sorry, forgive him. And even if he wrongs you seven times in one day and, each time, comes to you asking your forgiveness, you should forgive him." (LK 17)

"The Kingdom of Heaven can be compared to a king who decided to update the accounts of his servants. In the process, one who owed him ten thousand gold coins was brought in. The servant did not have enough to pay his debt: so the king ordered that he be sold as a slave, together with his wife and children and all that he had in order to pay the debt. The servant fell on his knees before the king, ‘Be patient with me,’ he begged, ‘and I will repay the full amount.’ The king felt sorry for him, so he forgave him the debt and let him go.

"Then the same man went out and met one of his fellow servants who owed him a few silver coins. He grabbed him and started choking him, demanding that he be paid. His fellow servant fell down before him and begged him, ‘Be patient with me and I will pay you back.’ But he refused; instead, he had him thrown in jail until he should pay the debt.

"When the other servants saw what had happened, they were very upset and went to the king and told him everything. So he called the servant and said to him, ‘You evil-hearted wretch! I forgave you the whole amount you owed me just because you asked me to. You should have been merciful to your fellow servant just as I had shown mercy to you.’ The king was very angry and he sent the servant to jail to be punished until he should pay back the whole amount.

"And Jesus concluded, "So shall my Father in heaven do the same to all those who refuse to forgive their brothers." (MT 18)

13 God does not want us to become victims of injustice, or suffer from wars or natural calamities, or become sick or be poor or die.

D "As bad as you are, you know how to give good things to your children. How much more, then, will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!" (MT 7)

"Father," he prayed, "my Father! All things are possible to You. Take this cup of suffering away from me. Even so, not what I want but what You want." (MK 14)

"Wars must come. " (MT 24)

"You will always have the poor with you." (JN 12)

14 Jesus already paid for our sins. By his stripes, we are healed. We're sure to go to heaven if we will only believe him.

D "Not everyone who calls me ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only those who do what my Father in heaven wants them to do." (MT 7)

"Settle disputes with your adversary, amicably, before it is too late; otherwise, he might drag you into court and the court would hand you over to the authorities to be thrown in jail. I tell you, you won’t be released from there until you have paid the last penny." (MT 5)

"‘Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; naked and you clothed me; sick and in prison and you visited me.’

"Then, the righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you anything to drink? Or a stranger and help you? Or naked and clothe you? When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?’

"And the King will tell them, ‘When you did this for the least of my brothers, you were doing it for me!’" (MT 25)

15 Don't get mad. Get even.

D "You have heard it said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But now I tell you: Don’t resist evil. But when you are slapped on one cheek, offer the other also. And if someone takes you to court to demand your shirt, let him have your coat, as well. And if anyone compels you to go a mile, go with him two miles." (MT 5)

16 We should befriend only those wealthy and successful people who can help us and not bother with no good bums and freeloaders or those sick and disabled do-nothings who can't repay or help us, at all.

D "Instead, when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind; and you will be blessed, because they won’t be able to pay you back. And you shall be rewarded when the righteous are brought back to life." (LK 14)

17 The voice of the people is the voice of God.

D Jesus turned on Peter and said, "Get away from me, Satan. You are an abomination in my sight because you look at things only from the worldly point of view and not from God’s." (MT 16)

18 The great men of the world are regarded as great also in heaven.

D "As you know, the kings and great men of the earth lord it over the people. But in your case, it is different. Whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant. And whoever wants to be the greatest of all must be the servant of all." (MK 10)

19 God only knows. We humans are not allowed to know everything.

D "I have used proverbs to tell you these things, but the time is coming when the truth shall not be so veiled and I will speak to you plainly about the Father." (JN 16)

"If you adhere to my teaching, you will really be my disciples; and you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free." (JN 8)

"Oh, there is so much more I want to tell you, but you cannot understand it now. When the Spirit of Holiness and Truth comes, he will guide you into all truth." (JN 16)

"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." (JN 14)

20 Many are called, but only a few will respond to his call.

A "Go and announce to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near.

"I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. Be as wary as serpents and harmless as doves. But be careful of men. For you will be arrested and tried and whipped in the synagogues. And you must stand trial before governors and kings for my sake. This will give you the opportunity to tell them about me. But when they arrest you, don’t worry about what you are to do or say for you will be given the right words at the proper time. For the words you will speak will not be your own; they will come from the Spirit of your Father Who will be speaking through you.

"If anyone publicly acknowledges me, I will openly acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But if anyone publicly rejects me, so will I reject him. Don’t think that I have come to bring peace to the world. I have not come to bring peace but a sword. I came to set sons against their fathers, daughters against their mothers, daughters-in-law against their mothers-in-law; a man’s worst enemies shall be the members of his own household.

"Whoever loves his father or mother, son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever does not take up his cross and follow in my footsteps is not fit to be my disciple. If you cling to life, you will lose it; but if you give it up for my sake, you will save it.

"Those who welcome you are welcoming me. And when they welcome me, they are welcoming God Who sent me. Whoever welcomes a prophet because he is a man of God will share in his reward. And whoever welcomes good and godly men because of their godliness will share in their reward. And you can be sure that whoever gives even a drink of water to the least of my followers, because he is my follower, will certainly receive a reward." (MT 10)

Do next

1 These are Christ's thoughts, his teachings in his own words. We should listen. If however, you should favor the teachings of your Church more than these words of Jesus, then forward this email-test to your Priest or Pastor to let him know. And perhaps, you might want to stop claiming that you are Jesus' follower, because you really are not. Don't you see this, yet?

2 If you believe in Jesus more, then you should do as he asks. Openly acknowledge him to others. Pass this email on to your friends to help them resolve their own confusion.

3 If you want to take up more advanced studies, click the link below to avail of our free study courses.

The Message Made Plain

The Inner Quest study course on the Teachings of Jesus

Why take up this study

  • The THE SECRETS OF THE KINGDOM is the most comprehensive and complete study course available on the teachings of the Holy Spirits.

  • The course provides clear answers to all your important questions about life here and hereafter.

  • They compress into just a few months of study what otherwise could take many years of weekly Bible and advanced spiritual studies.

  • Help and personalized guidance are available through a competent counselor-teacher by posting your query or comment at the bottom of the appropriate Blog and email-copying INNER QUEST at if you should require an earlier response.

  • Exercises to monitor your progress and get you back on course are provided at the end of most of the lessons.

  • There is the distinct advantage of being able to pursue your studies at your leisure, in your own time and at your own pace.

  • The principles set forth in the courses have practical applications in your daily life.

The Secrets of the Kingdom

And after the Teachings of Jesus, just as he promised

The secrets and the "All Truth" kept hidden since the foundation of the world continue to be revealed here in most part for the first time and follow after the Basic Course. Six individually complete and comprehensive study courses grouped together into one Advanced Course.

1. Psi and Healing

A comprehensive study of the nature of psychic phenomena, their applications and the principles governing their operation. Includes scientific and religious viewpoints. A large part of the lesson deals with faith healing, what it is, how it differs from the practice of medicine, how it is effected and its implications with respect to the coming New Age.

2. The New Age Movement

A comprehensive overview of New Age phenomena and progressive teachings. Includes a thorough discussion of the influences of Eastern and Western religions and the contributions of science, politics and other popular movements. Concludes with an ordered presentation of the New Teachings of the New Age.

3. World Religions

The historical background of the major religions and a comparison study of their teachings and other features. Covers Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the New Teachings for the New Age which embraces all of them, together.

4. Teachings of the Holy Spirit 1

Introduction to the Holy Spirit, who he really is and what he does. Traces his reemergence in the mid-19th century to the present, from Spiritualism in the West to Spiritism in the East. Discusses scientific opposition and the limitations of science. Clarifies the Divine Teachings and proposes a Path to our further enlightenment.

5. Teachings of the Holy Spirit 2

Lists the qualifications and other necessary preparations that have to be made before a prospective student may be accepted for instruction. Includes many valuable insights and a more thorough discussion of all the important methodologies and guide rules to be followed by every accepted student.

6. Reincarnation and Karma

A comprehensive study of the principles, their implications and consequences that will enable every student to understand better the meaning of life and the purpose of his existence.

These are the much-awaited New and Advanced Teachings of the Holy Spirit which are now also made available to you.

Instructions to the Student

To obtain the fullest benefit out of ‘SECRETS OF THE KINGDOM’, you are enjoined to follow these suggested procedures:
  1. Read each lesson carefully, as well as any accompanying materials, should there be any.

  2. After studying a particular lesson thoroughly, turn to the Review Exercises. While the solutions to some of the questions may not have been actually taken up in the lessons, you should be able to provide the correct answers by drawing from your own personal experiences. In addition, you may refer back to all the materials previously given. You will be able to gain much more from your studies if you first give thought to what the answers might be, writing them down on paper, before looking up the Solutions to the Exercises.

  3. Compare your answers to the suggested Solutions and review your mistakes. Strive to understand precisely where you were wrong and determine not to commit the same mistakes again.

  4. After validating your answers, you may email INNER QUEST, care of the Course Counselor, should you need any further clarifications regarding any aspect of the course. Your Course Counselor is there to help you. Do not hesitate to solicit his help in all matters pertaining to the course.

  5. Proceed to the next new lesson. Repeat Steps 1 to 4 until you complete all the lessons.
According to your efforts, so shall be your rewards. May you find the Truth that you are seeking.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Understanding Psychic Phenomena and Healing

The Age of Aquarius

The spirit entity

ESP and other spiritual faculties

Principles of psychic phenomena

Scientific bases and discoveries

The mission of INNER QUEST

The miracles of Jesus

Healers and psychics today

Scouts of the New Age Movement

The nature of disease

Spiritual healing and the practice of medicine

Spirit guidance

Methods of healing

Your guardian angels


The Age of Aquarius

In the world, you shall have tribulation. This should be self-evident in the light of widespread poverty, intermittent wars and gross injustices. There is crime. There is exploitation. There is the rule of the mighty, not necessarily of the just. Everyone suffers. You and I, we have suffered. Because of a truth, this world is a world of pain and suffering. Indeed, this world is hell. 

Nevertheless, people, when you ask them will disagree and they will tell you that this world is beautiful. But they say this only because they think that this world is the only world and that there is no other. But in the Kingdom of God, there are many mansions. Today, we will begin to know more of them. 

Where there is darkness, there will come light. Where there is misery, there will be gladness. And as we here on this Earth have been experiencing so much suffering, so also shall we come to experience better times. 

There is fast approaching a New Age in the life of this planet. It will be a Golden Age, an Age of Enlightenment, the Age of Aquarius. This new age will bring great changes. There will be peace and harmony, love and understanding among all men. With peace, there will be progress in all things. Music and the arts will flourish. Alternative sources of energy will be discovered. There shall be an increased harnessing of both land and sea for greater food production. 

There shall be interplanetary space travel and the exchange of trade and culture with our brothers from outer space. If you doubt this, you need only to consider the UFOs, the unidentified flying objects. You have believed when someone told you, “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” Well, in this regard, there is so much smoke you can hardly breathe. Moreover, we here in these studies have communicated with these beings. And we know they exist. 

There shall be more of psychic phenomena, the things that excite your fancy, the things that sent you here to us, including increased communication with the spirits of the departed. There shall be increased communication, likewise, with the Holy Spirits and other higher entities. On the whole, there shall be an influx of new knowledge and the old knowledge of the ancients will be made plain and made more accessible to more people everywhere. 

The spirit entity

If you could only see people as they really are just at the level of our astral self, you would see them as swirling bands of color in varying degrees of light all around their physical bodies. This is something similar to the corona of the sun or the atmosphere surrounding the Earth. It’s something like the pictures of Earth taken from outer space. That light represents the life force that radiates outward from the physical body. 

With a little practice, you too might be able to do it. In your quiet moments at home, in front of a mirror, naked preferably the better to see, look intently but indirectly with your peripheral vision around your body. After a little while, you should be aware of a thin bluish, grayish smoke all around you. That is the etheric body which connects the physical body to the astral body. And with more practice, you should begin to see the colors of your aura or astral body. 

Yet, the physical, with the etheric body, and the astral are just the two outermost layers of our many bodies that are most visible to us and of which we are most aware. We have different bodies, which we use depending on which plane of being, which of the many mansions, we are manifesting in. 

But for now, let us focus on that aura, that light. There resides the consciousness, the real being — the real you and me, hidden to many even as this true Spirit Self is situated still much farther within. 

The Spirit is the life. The body is not the life. The body has no life of its own except that which the Spirit gives it. The physical body or any of our other bodies is only a puppet, a robot, a tool or a vehicle of the spirit being. The Spirit is what is far more important.

ESP and other spiritual faculties

While the physical body has the facility of sight, hearing, smell, taste and feeling, the Spirit entity which is the real being has much, much more. Instead of sight, it has clairvoyance. Instead of hearing, clairaudience. Instead of feeling or touch, it has clairsentience. Now when spirit beings desire to communicate one to another, they do not need to use their vocal cords. Instead, they use the faculty of telepathy. If they want to affect matter in any way, instead of using their arms or hands, they employ psychokinesis or telekinesis. 

Now think of yourself and visualize your body at the center with the life force, the auric light, your astral body, all around you. And imagine an exact replica of yourself separating from your body and floating upward as if you are seeing double... but don’t get cross-eyed. And let us say that the one that separates from the physical body brings the light with it. That one with the light is the real you, while the one left behind in your bed is the physical body, the now empty shell. Now there should be a silver cord (the stretched out etheric body) attaching from the now liberated spirit body and connecting to the physical body. That cord is the lifeline. And it is through this pulsing silver cord that the spirit being issues commands to its puppet to give it the illusion of life. 

A spirit entity can disengage its astral body from the physical body if it has developed the ability to astral travel. It can go to any of the astral worlds by means of thought alone. It thinks of a place and it’s there, instantly. In the spirit state, thoughts are real and thoughts create. And it can, likewise, visit faraway places in any part of this world and other astral worlds. 

Principles of psychic phenomena

Psychic vibrations are vibrations that are beyond the range of normal human perception. Lobsang Rampa likens all of creation to a piano key extending to infinity. Some vibrations are to the left or they are grosser while others are more refined and extend to the right of the piano key. All that humans can perceive with their physical senses can be contained in say, two octaves only of this piano key, while other vibrations like cat sight, dog smell, dog hearing, infra-red rays, radio waves and psychic vibrations are to the left and right of this very limited range of perception allotted to humans. 

The very same principles that apply to radio and television apply also to ESP, extrasensory perception or psychic phenomena. In radio, intelligible sound is converted into radio waves or signals that are then broadcast over the atmosphere. These radio signals are transmitted to and are intercepted by a receiver set which decodes these signals and transforms them back into the intelligible sounds that we hear through the speakers. The same goes for television; only that in this instance, a picture is transmitted along with the sound. In order to obtain clear reception, the receiver must be tuned in to a preset frequency. Psychic vibrations are very similar except that they are of a much higher frequency and in order to perceive these higher vibrations, a medium or psychic must have the ability to attune to higher than normal frequencies. 

Scientific bases and discoveries

Science is not too far behind all these, although full acceptance is not yet. According to Harold Sherman who is an author of books on psychic phenomena, certain radio technicians were experimenting with the ordinary tape recorder. And according to him, these technicians set up this tape recorder in an empty, soundproof room and allowed it to record whatever. The tape was played back subsequently and, wonder of wonders, faint sounds were registered where there should have been none at all. And when the running of the tape was slowed down to a sufficient level, the sounds turned out to be voices of people who insist, to their astonishment, that they are of the so-called dead, but that they are very much alive and well and are communicating from the other side of life. Of course, not many believed them. 

Another breakthrough is Kirlian photography that purportedly can capture the aura on film. The aura is the light that we described (or you saw) earlier. Another group of scientists, doctors this time, experimented on patients with terminal diseases. And they discovered that, at the point of death, the body suffers a sudden weight loss of a few grams. And they concluded that something escapes or is released by the body when it dies. And they suspect that this must be the soul... Many say that religion has not kept in step with scientific advances. But we in these studies say that science has yet to come to the level of spiritual realities. But no matter. 

Still another doctor, Dr. Raymond Moody interviewed patients who were resuscitated back to life after being dead and declared clinically dead for some time. And they tell of being aware of dying and traveling to a beautiful place that some could only describe as Heaven. They tell the most fantastic stories and these are detailed in Dr. Moody’s book, ‘Life after Life.’ 

One last one, a psychologist, Dr. Helen Wambach, conducted her own experiments and she regressed her subjects by way of hypnosis to the time during birth and even before birth. And these subjects told of insights into their own past life experiences that tend to support the teaching on reincarnation. Her book is ‘Life before Life.’ 

The methods that are employed by researchers, by scientists, by seekers after truth may vary but the results should always concur because truth will always reveal itself. 

The mission of INNER QUEST

Yes, we know it’s a bit hard to believe in these things. But go back a few hundred years. During those times, people believed that the Earth was flat, until a few hardy sailors who were very lucky to escape being burned at the stake proved them wrong. They sailed around, over and under the flat world; and only then did people begin to reconsider their stand. But even then, only slowly. Then they were saying, “Only birds can fly.” But the Wright brothers were hard of hearing. They did not know that non-feathered flight was supposed to be impossible. And so in their ignorance, they did it anyway! Again they said, “Steel cannot float.” Well now, steel ships sail continuously above and below all the seas and oceans. 

There is so much that is being made available to us and to the students of INNER QUEST. But these were not given to us for our own benefit alone. Rather, this knowledge is given to us to give to all who genuinely wish to partake of this knowledge. However, our task is not to provide proofs. To one who is ready, no proof is needed while to one who is not, no proof will suffice. But anyone can obtain his own proofs, provided he is willing to work and apply himself to his studies. Neither is our task to convince or to convert you because only you can convince yourselves by way of your own individual experiences. Rather, our sole objective is simply to make this knowledge available to you and to urge you to continue with your own spiritual development.

The miracles of Jesus

All these things are, however, not entirely new. Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ demonstrated many of these faculties. He was clairvoyant. He had unerring knowledge concerning many things which he had no physical means of knowing. He was telepathically in communication with all kinds of spirits, the Devil included. He turned water into wine. He multiplied loaves and fish. Storms abated and water calmed. He even walked on water. 

He made the blind to see and the deaf to hear. He healed all manner of diseases — fever, leprosy, paralysis and such. He saved many from impending death. And those who were already dead, he brought back to life. 

He never did explain how he managed to do these marvelous things. But then he said, “There is so much more I want to tell you... The Holy Spirit will guide you to all the truth.” He also said, “All of these things that I have done, you can do, also, and you will be able to do even more.” 

Healers and psychics today

In the Book of Joel and repeated in the Book of Acts, the Lord said, “In the last days, I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men dream dreams and your young men see visions.” 

In this age-old tradition and following in the footsteps of the Lord, today, some psychics and healers are able to manifest these very same phenomena rendering a great service to many. 

But just who are these modern-day healers and psychics? These healers and psychics are our brothers-in-spirit who have developed their psychic faculties over a series of incarnations at different times and ages in this world and other worlds aided by the science prevailing during those time periods and in those worlds. 

We mentioned incarnation. Now, this is easy for you. This simply means spirit entering into flesh and being temporarily imprisoned therein. We mentioned different times and ages. Relative to the Earth phase of our existence, some of these modern-day psychics and healers come from China, during the time of the ancient temples. Some come from India, like our very own Vergel Gutierrez, Jr., and were actually gurus and spiritual masters already in their past life experiences. Others come from Ancient Egypt and you know one of these to be Edgar Cayce. Others come from the lamaseries of Tibet; one of these is Lobsang Rampa. A lot of those early Christians are here now in the Philippines. This is why Filipinos are by faith predominantly Christian and we are more inclined to seek guidance from Christian entities, including the apostles, the saints, the angels and archangels, and Jesus of course. However, in Heaven, there is no segregation. All religions are one and all paths lead home. 

Scouts of the New Age Movement

These healers and psychics, mediums all, are the scouts of the New Age Movement. They are at the forefront. They take on the flak. They are ridiculed and condemned by a disbelieving world. They are banned, arrested, jailed and persecuted in like manner as the ancient prophets. However, presently, they shall have some relief because the main force will be following after them. And you will be hearing more and more of what you are hearing now. 

The nature of disease

Now aware of our true self, our spirit self, we can begin to realize that physical diseases or ailments are only outward manifestations of spiritual deficiencies. 

Spiritual deficiencies or defects are those that cause imbalance or disharmony in the spirit bodies. In the astral body, these may be black holes, dark smudges, red smears or muddy colors visible to the clairvoyant healer. They are due to selfishness, impatience, intolerance, lust for the things of the flesh and the things of the world and such other traits of unrighteousness that men on Earth possess. If we are selfish, our light fades and is dull, not at all brilliant. If we are prone to anger, there are flashes of red that wreak havoc in our entire being, which cause stresses that leave us with no peace. If we are predisposed to evil doing, we cannot be harmonious with the rest of creation. We would be as the devils with charred, burnt, rotten bodies that smell. 

If we misuse or abuse something we are bound to lose it. Those referred to by Jesus who come face to face with the truth but don’t see it, hear it but don’t understand it might as well be blind and deaf. Tension, anger, nervousness, fearfulness and an unforgiving nature (a hard heart) contribute greatly to heart disease. Intolerance, inflexibility or non-adaptability causes allergies. Overindulgence is the major cause of stomach troubles. The list goes on and on. 

Excessive drinking which denotes a lack of discipline causes irreparable harm to the liver while smoking destroys the lungs. Those who are likely to smother with love might suffer from asthmatic attacks and find it hard to breathe. This is, after all, what they are causing their loved ones to suffer because of their possessive and overbearing kind of love. We all will suffer the consequences of our actions. 

Women who needlessly or without a justifiably good enough reason aborted their pregnancies in the past, even in their past lives, may find their uterus or other related child-bearing organs at risk. Guilty men may become sterile, unable to procreate. Those who seem to devour others because of their greed or lust for power might suffer from the debilitating effects of cancer. Some of those suffering from AIDS now may have preyed on the defenceless and the weak in times past. However, these are not the only causes. In fact, the possibilities are limitless. Those afflicted, provided they know themselves really well, will be able to divine the true spiritual causes of their ailments. 

Spiritual healing and the practice of medicine

When a healer examines a patient, he examines not only the physical deficiency, but much more so, the deficiency in the spirit because he knows that the spirit self is the real self and that all physical disorders are only outward material effects of some spiritual cause. The healer, if he is really knowledgeable, not only heals the body but, also and more importantly, prescribes a course of treatment relative to the correction of the spiritual defects of the patient. All healing of the physical body cannot be lasting unless there is a corresponding correction relative to the spiritual cause. If there is no such treatment of the spiritual root cause, then the ailment will recur again and again and life after life.

When a machine breaks down, you go to a mechanic or a repairman. Similarly, when the body machine breaks down, you go, this time, to a medical doctor. In the Philippines, a medical doctor has invested eight years of study, a few years internship experience and additional years of specialization to become proficient at his work. He knows all the physical causes and the course of treatment to be followed to effect a cure. And, therefore, we recommend that if you have a physical complaint, you should go to a medical doctor. 

However, a medical doctor is not very knowledgeable as far as the spiritual side of life is concerned. The spiritual aspects of healing are better handled by your healers by virtue of their special training along this line. And because of the accumulated experiences derived by them over many lifetimes or incarnations, they are generally more in tune with the Divine. 

Spirit guidance

All healers, whoever they may be are under the direct guidance and supervision of the Spirits of Truth or as Christians would call them, these are the Holy Spirits. It is these Spirits of Truth who see to it that those who should be healed are, in fact, healed and those who should not be healed are given appropriate guidance. Remember and this is important —- All things are given according to the needs not so much of the physical body but according to the needs of the spirit self.

Methods of healing

Because of the vast differences in the experiences of individual healers and psychics, their techniques or styles are likewise so diverse. As far as diagnostic techniques are concerned, some avail of clairvoyance. They can sense the disharmony in the aura. They are able to see all sorts of colors or bands of colors and shades that denote clearly the actual condition of the patient and his organs. Some healers avail of telepathy. And they get in touch with the subconscious mind or higher self of the patient or the guide of the patient or their own guides who communicate to them the information they require. Other healers have an easy time of it. They just go to sleep, just like Edgar Cayce. Edgar Cayce, in company with his own guide, had access to the Akashic Records which are true and accurate records of all that has ever happened. 

As far as healing styles are concerned, some prefer magnetic healing or the laying on of hands. This can be likened to recharging a dead car battery. It is simply the transfusion or transfer of recreative energy to a person who is temporarily unable to regenerate this energy himself. Some healers prefer the use of blessed or energized oil or water. Some prefer the application of herbal solutions. Others prefer to employ psychic surgery. Without benefit of anesthesia and in the absence of surgical instruments, the psychic surgeon can perform painless surgery, often with miraculous results. In many Spiritist centers, those mediums who are not as yet proficient at healing simply voluntarily relinquish control of their bodies to their Spirit guides who do the actual healing. Still others prefer to rely on the efficacy of prayer or absent healing, invoking direct Spirit intervention. 

Your guardian angels

You have heard of guardian angels. They are for real. They are our elder brothers, our friends and guides who love us and who are interested in our development. During your times of need, they can be available to help you. And if you were only more receptive, you would be able to sense their presence. They can help you a great deal if you would only be more open to their guidance. Strive to be more attuned to the Divine. 


Now it’s time for us to review. There is a coming Golden Age. We are spirit beings; we are not the physical body. Psychic abilities are our natural and inherent properties and they can be further developed in order that we may come to a greater awareness of the deeper realities of life. Physical defects are only outer manifestations of some spiritual defect; such that when you go to a medical doctor, you go mainly to repair some broken down body mechanism, but when you go to a healer, you seek for a healing at the level of your true self, the spirit self. All of these phenomena shall be brought to the world under the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit or the Spirits of Truth. 

A few hundred years ago, one of our ascended brothers summarized all these truths for us so simply and yet so beautifully. His name was Francis and it was he who said: 

“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope. Where there is darkness, light. And where there is sadness, joy. 

“O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console: to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned. And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”

Lesson 1 -- Exercises

Write whether you AGREE or you DISAGREE with the following statements and then, briefly, in a few sentences, explain why or why not (5 points per item)
  1. We live only once, therefore, we should live life to the fullest.

  2. All men are born equal.

  3. It cannot be true if it cannot be confirmed by scientific investigation.

  4. Occult practices are of the Devil.

  5. We are humans with spirits or souls.

  6. Ghosts are figments of the imagination.
  1. Whites are superior to blacks.

  2. Diseases are outward physical manifestations of character deficiencies.

  3. Diseases should be totally eradicated.
  1. Death is the end of life.

  2. A healer can heal our bodies but only we can heal ourselves.

  3. There is no life on other planets.

  4. Psychic powers won’t work if used for evil purposes.

  5. Even an inept healer can heal if God so wills.

  6. Psychic surgery is the highest form of healing.

  7. Healers and mediums are not entitled to material compensation, as God’s gifts should be given freely.

  8. Healers are always in the service of God.

  9. The ability to heal is a gift from God.

  10. Psychic development is necessary before we can advance spiritually.

  11. The physical body is just as important as the spirit self.

Lesson 1 -- Solutions

5 points per item
  1. We live only once, therefore, we should live life to the fullest.

    D. In pursuit of spiritual development, we live again and again in different physical bodies in order to learn and gain experiences. This is Reincarnation.

  2. All men are born equal.

    D. All spirits were created equal. Since then however, each of us through our own efforts has attained to varying levels in the order of evolution. When we are born on earth, we bring with us the essence of all that we have already learned in our past incarnations. This explains why, even in our early years, some of us are more developed in knowledge and talents than others.

  3. It cannot be true if it cannot be confirmed by scientific investigation.

    D. Science, as a general rule, accepts only what the five senses can perceive and those that can be perceived by the most advanced scientific instruments. However, there is so much more in nature that lie beyond the realm of the physical. These non-material vibrations are as yet undetectable by our most powerful scientific instruments and hence, cannot be accepted by science. However, the more spiritual things and higher spiritual laws exist and, in fact, take precedence over those matters and concerns that are purely physical.

  4. Occult practices are of the Devil.

    D. Occult practices are simply put, those practices which are subject to natural laws but which laws are hidden or largely unknown. Therefore, we need only to study them to better understand their operation. Occult practices are neither good nor bad but take on such a character depending on the use to which they are applied.

  5. We are humans with spirits or souls.

    D. We are spirit beings with a soul (causal self) which distills the essence of all that we are learning. In our journey to perfection, we make use of many different bodies (vehicles) that enable us to manifest and learn our lessons in the appropriate plane of nature. Humanity is just one of the elementary stages that we undergo in our pursuit of spiritual perfection.

    The soul survives death and is the temporary repository of all that we have learned and all the pending karmic consequences incurred from our past incarnations that we will have to meet and resolve in future incarnations.

    However, once all the lessons of the lower planes are learned or the soul is perfected, then the soul, itself, will be merged and assimilated into the spirit consciousness.

  6. Ghosts are figments of the imagination.

    D. A ghost is a spirit entity that is no longer attached to its physical body but is now clothed, instead, in its astral body. A ghost is very real, indeed, and can be seen by those who are clairvoyant.

    Usually, we use the word ghost to refer to discarnate entities and earthbound spirits that are unable to immediately transition to the Spirit World because they are still very much attached to matter or because they feel the need to attend to some unfinished business.

    They are allowed to stay here a while longer mainly to prove the survival of the Spirit and the reality of the Spirit World. Especially, they are the most qualified to apprise us of the conditions of life immediately after death. The added insights enable us to be better prepared for the time when we ourselves will be transitioning to the Greater Reality.

  7. Whites are superior to blacks.

    D. Spiritual attainment does not depend on the color of one’s skin. Character is the true basis of spirituality and superiority.

  8. Diseases are outward physical manifestations of character deficiencies.

    A. Spiritual defects or character deficiencies lie at the root of all physical disorders. They are due to ignorance and underdevelopment and manifest outward in the physical body in the form of diseases and ailments. By studying our own particular ailments, we should be able to discover our faults and weaknesses.

  9. Diseases should be totally eradicated.

    D. Our spiritual deficiencies should be eradicated or our character should be reformed and refined. However, diseases serve a very useful purpose by awakening us to our deficiencies in character. Without them, it may be very much harder for us to realize our faults. Diseases have very great instructional value and are very necessary for those of us still here on Earth, and so should and cannot be totally eradicated.

  10. Death is the end of life.

    D. At death, we cast aside our gross physical body and we transition into a far greater reality. Life then continues in the Spirit World. It is, in fact, a resumption of the true life, a return to our true home.

  11. A healer can heal our bodies but only we can heal ourselves.

    A. To effect a complete healing, the root causes at the spiritual level must also be addressed. Otherwise, even if the healer is able to heal the body, the ailment will recur over and over again. Regarding the spiritual, everything must come as a result of our own efforts and strivings. In the final analysis, only we can heal ourselves.

  12. There is no life on other planets.

    D. According to clairvoyants and astral travelers, there is life on other planets but not necessarily in the form to which we are accustomed. In fact, we were previous occupants and students and, in the future, we will be continuing with our development in these other worlds.

  13. Psychic powers won’t work if used for evil purposes.

    D. The law operates whether used for good or bad. However, if we sow evil, then evil will return to us. We reap what we sow.

  14. Even an inept healer can heal if God so wills.

    A. Nothing is impossible to God. He makes do with what is available, even an inexperienced and bumbling medium-healer. In fact, God can heal even without any physical counterpart healer.

  15. Psychic surgery is the highest form of healing.

    D. All methods of healing are equal in value. What is important is that the patient gets healed.

  16. Healers and mediums are not entitled to material compensation, as God’s gifts should be given freely.

    D. Mediums and healers attained to their level of proficiency only after continuous development in past incarnations. Therefore, their skills are definitely not freely gotten gifts. In addition, they render a valuable service for which they are entitled to fair compensation. Moreover, the time that a medium or a healer spends in pursuit of a normal occupation is time wasted, because such should have been best utilized in the development of his mediumship or in the service of those in need.

    Jesus agrees and so he instructed his disciples to freely accept the hospitality of the people in return for their spiritual services. He told them, "Those you help should feed and care for you. A laborer is worthy of his hire."

  17. Healers are always in the service of God.

    D. They are if they serve with God or service to their fellowmen foremost in their minds and hearts, but not if they are merely into healing to serve their own selfish material interests or if they put their own interests first above that of their patients.

  18. The ability to heal is a gift from God.

    D. The ability to heal, like any other skill is the result of development even in past lives and, therefore, it is not a gift and neither is it freely gotten.

  19. Psychic development is necessary before we can advance spiritually.

    D. Spiritual development relates to character development and does not depend on the possession of psychic faculties. These two are distinct and separate and their development may proceed independently from one another.

  20. The physical body is just as important as the spirit self.

    D. The spirit is what is important. The physical body is expendable and disposable. Once it has served its purpose, it is discarded like any used clothing, and is replaced with another that is new and more appropriate when we next reincarnate.