The New Age Movement
The Renaissance Experience | ||||||
A Spiritual Renaissance | ||||||
Opposition is a Healthy Thing | ||||||
Rationale behind the New Age Movement | ||||||
The Progressive Teachings of the New Age Movement and their Attendant Phenomena | ||||||
…Hindu-Buddhist Influences | ||||||
…Traditional Christian Influences | ||||||
…Other Supportive Influences | ||||||
…New Spiritual Teachings | ||||||
Conclusions | ||||||
In recent times, the world has witnessed the influx of seemingly new concepts and teachings, that many regard as part of the New Age Movement. As is the case with any new knowledge, disagreements and controversies have arisen.
The advocates of religion have branded these concerned groups demonic, if not fanatic. Scientists are quick to denounce certain of these phenomena as fraudulent and mere magician’s tricks. Many in the West question Eastern-influenced teachings because they appear to oppose their own long-held beliefs. All are suspicious and cautious, not really knowing what to think of all these new-fangled ideas and teachings.
What is happening today has happened before. Beginning some time during the 14th century, emerging from its Dark Ages, the Old World experienced a revival of ancient culture, the brilliance of the Greek and the Roman accompanied by a general enlightenment of all, now known as the Renaissance.
It was the time of Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy,’ Petrarch’s poetry and high ideas, Boccaccio’s ‘Decameron,’ and the poet-scholar Erasmus’ writings; their work inciting renewed interest in literature. Through them and other Renaissance writers, new and revolutionary ideas enabled mankind to rise from darkness into the Light. With the invention of printing at about 1450, the dissemination of these intellectual riches was facilitated to a high degree.
Together with this awakening of the human intellect came a great appreciation for the fine arts. New insights, new styles and new processes accompanied the rise of new ideas and interpretations of grace, harmony and beauty. The arts of painting, sculpture and architecture rivaled the grandeur of ancient times. The full flowering of Renaissance art came with the genius of Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.
Still later into the Renaissance period, there were the writings of Cervantes and Shakespeare; the invention of the opera as a musical form, the invention of the compass and gunpowder, the discoveries of Copernicus and Galileo, the voyages of Columbus and Magellan and the beginnings of the banking system and insurance underwriting — an explosion in light and new information.
All these did not come easily. Of course, there was opposition, even persecution. Certainly, there were difficulties experienced by these great innovators and discoverers. Ask any man who espouses a new or revolutionary idea.
Today, we are at the initial stages of an even greater Renaissance, a spiritual regeneration. The main focus of the New Age Movement being an expansion in consciousness and spiritual enlightenment, its effects are bound to be far reaching, all-pervading and profound.
The old truths and even the Occult teachings are now being aired out in the open allowing everyone the opportunity to study them more in depth. Where before, we could only speculate at best, based on incomplete and false information, now, all things are clarified and made plain for all to judge. However, as in the first Renaissance, there will continue to be fear of the unknown, fear of new knowledge, general distrust, unbelief, opposition and persecution.
To oppose a new idea is healthy and even necessary. We need to ferret out mistakes and weed out false concepts before we can arrive at the correct conclusions. But in so doing, we need not be confrontational or antagonistic. And we should be open even to new teachings should our studies provide adequate confirmation of the facts. After all, we will be the ones to benefit from all these. In fact, there is no other way to progress.
Rationale behind the New Age Movement
According to the Occult teachings, periodically, every 2,000 years or more, a World Leader and Teacher comes to continue our divine instruction. Every new age then brings new learning and very great changes. It is thus prophesied that at the beginning of this New Age of Enlightenment, the Age of Aquarius, Christ will come again.
In teaching new things, there are certain recommended steps to be taken, rules to be followed. We start where the student is presently situated, hence the reintroduction of the old Eastern teachings and the Christian revival movements.
We are then brought back to the basics from which we can continue to build. We take on the simple things first before we can advance to the more complex. Once our foundational knowledge is already sufficiently sound, then we can undergo a slow methodical upgrading in the instruction. In this upgrading, new ideas and teachings become more easily acceptable when accompanied by related developments in science and elsewhere. In attaining to its objectives, the New Age Movement is following this very same procedure.
The Progressive Teachings of the New Age Movement and their Attendant Phenomena
- Proliferation of Many Gurus
Different gurus teach various aspects of the old Hindu teachings. Krishnamurti focuses on awareness of the deeper realities of life. The Maharishi teaches Transcendental Meditation or TM, the regular practice of which will bring enlightenment and wellbeing. Prabhupada and Jagad Guru expound on the intellectual teachings and espouse devotional service to the Lord as the way to salvation. Sai Baba puts to practice the teaching on love and devotional service, and urges his disciples to do the same.
- Meditation
The gurus teach that through meditation, we will be able to obtain insights relating to the true nature of reality. More, we can have the actual experience to verify the propositions. At the same time, we will be able to arrive at a clear course of action towards the attainment of our objectives, spiritual and otherwise.
- Yoga
Physical yoga exercises, the proper choice of food and dieting provide for a more efficient and responsive physical body. We can then be much more effective in whatever work we set out to do. Other yoga practices relate to observances and practices which if done correctly and religiously should bring discipline and other great spiritual benefits.
- Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, the Summit Lighthouse, the Theosophical Society and Lobsang Rampa
In line with the work of the Great White Brotherhood, the adepts and spiritual masters overseeing divine instruction on Earth, certain individuals or groups are periodically commissioned to provide continuing instruction to the people in the world relating to different aspects or levels of the Occult teachings.
Begun centuries earlier and so cannot be considered as part of the New Age Movement, Freemasonry nonetheless is a forerunner and their members continue to build positive thought forms and are active in community service. The Rosicrucians are involved in the development of their inner spiritual faculties. The Summit Lighthouse publishes books and conducts teachings that present the Eastern teachings in a context that Christians should find easier to accept.
Through Madame Blavatsky, the Great White Brotherhood, which includes advanced beings of all races and creeds, reintroduces the Ancient Wisdom and clarifies the Divine Plan. She details many of the technical aspects of the teachings relating to Cosmogony, all about the cosmos, and Anthropogenesis, the development of the human race, in the ‘Secret Doctrine,’ the guidebook of the Theosophists. For the men of Aquarius, the Ancient Wisdom of Theosophy is destined to become the motherload of technical knowledge and information concerning the Spiritual and the Divine to which all later revelations and all new upgradings must relate.
The dissertations of the Lama Lobsang Rampa are to this date the more authoritative resources in this series. Thoroughly versed in the philosophy of the East and with his spiritual faculties so very highly developed, he elucidates on the practical aspects of the teachings in a way that only those who really know can ever do.
- Reincarnation and Karma
Much deeper insights and clearer, more rational explanations are now made available to everyone. The Hindus believe in Transmigration which teaches that the spirit entity returns in a form, animal or human, which is determined by the desires and attitudes of the spirit, itself, at the time of its death. Buddhism, however, confines reincarnation to the human form. Theosophy teaches that souls develop progressively upward. Evolved group souls of plants move on to become the group souls of animals. After animal evolution, the group souls become individualized as humans. For special purposes, Avatars on special missions in our world may transmigrate to another human body, but always with the permission and willing participation of the previous occupant. Metempsychosis relates to our transferring from our old body to another body more suited to the plane or planet that we are moving to.
Karma is the corollary law that governs the causes and effects that manifest in every life. It is likewise God's provisioning of the very conditions, circumstances and situations that we will encounter in our life, the lessons that will enable every spirit entity to learn and develop itself.
- Oneness, the God within, Pantheism
There is the principle of oneness of all creation. God is within us. God is a part of us and we, a part of God. We are One. Three stages or levels of the same basic teaching. Awareness of these truths comes slowly. Initially, we are self-conscious, selfish individual entities. Then we begin to regard ourselves as only a part of a larger unit, the family. Then going farther into this important principle by succeeding stages, we become a nation, a whole world, a Universe, the Cosmos, the whole of creation and, finally, a god at-one with God.
- Catholic Involvements
During the last few decades, certain needs of the faithful were not satisfactorily addressed. The flock required additional and more personalized instruction that the members of the clergy were hard pressed to provide. Many lay people wanted to more actively involve themselves in religious activities. As a consequence, some programs were initiated to meet the need.
The Cursillo, a mini-course in Catholic doctrine, became a popular movement in the 60s and 70s. The rollista’s style of lecturing was very entertaining and contrasted favorably against the then morose, sedate and unexciting sermons delivered by the priests. Songs were deeply moving and the lyrics were catchy. Close camaraderie was fostered. However, after a surge of spirituality, the emotional appeal of the movement waned and many went back to their old error-filled ways.
Other movements took over. Charismatic groups sprouted and they provided the needed continuing instruction. Physical ailments and other equally pressing problems were now prayed over and the intercession and help of the Holy Spirit were invoked. Such cures and solutions obtained added greatly to the popularity of the movement. Later, the Life in the Spirit seminars replaced the Cursillo. And to address the problems of married couples, the Marriage Encounter program was initiated and now continues to attract a large following.
The Family Rosary Crusade came about as a result of Mary’s plea for the conversion of people’s hearts. Fueled by interest in the continuing Marian apparitions, many have directed their thoughts and prayers toward world peace and understanding among people of all nations. At the same time, they are reminded that a Greater World beyond earth waits for everyone.
- Protestant Revivals
Many evangelists formed their own groups which promote Biblical teachings and some are able to effect miraculous healings with the help of the Holy Spirit. Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, Benny Hinn, Rex Humbard and the fallen Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart are only a few of these. Many are responding to the Lord’s commission to his disciples to preach his message to all nations. Many now swear to being "Born Again" and to having a personal relationship with the Lord.
- Catholic and Protestant In-fighting
In the unfolding of the gospel messages to more people, to many for the first time, the same issues and questions that actually caused the separation of the church are again brought back to the attention of the people. Disagreements and discussions relating to indulgences, the reverence for Mary and the worship of representative images and pictures, to name a few, enable us to more intelligently evaluate these issues.
- In Politics
Cory’s People Power toppled a world class dictator, and inspired similar peaceful mass movements all around the globe. The cold war ended with the dismantling of the Berlin Wall, the fall of Communism in Russia and the weakening of Communist power in China. A concerted world action was mounted against Iraq and Yugoslavia, where Christian NATO forces found themselves fighting against Christian Serbs, putting their lives at risk to protect ethnic Albanian Muslims preempting the possibility of another holocaust and the spread of an even greater conflict in all of Europe. These are some the most momentous events in recent years. And many equate them to the triumph of good over evil and the victory of God over the Godless.
- In Science
We are now at the beginning of the Space Age. We have gone to the moon, walked its surface and come back. Soon, we will be meeting our alien brothers face to face. We are in the Age of Computers and the Internet, which has revolutionized our information processing systems. We are also in the Age of Electronics and Satellite Communications providing for the instant exchange of information worldwide.
- In the Environment
Our attention is now riveted to the problems of the environment. To preserve the ecological balance and the food chain, we can no longer continue to dump our wastes anywhere we please. Certain committed groups now promote wildlife conservation to save endangered species from extinction. In order to save our lungs and our lives, we need to resolve the problem of pollution. We need to plant more trees to prevent erosion and killer floods. The nations need to cooperate in order to effectively address the inter-related problems of acid rain, global warming and the depletion of the ozone layer protecting us from the harmful rays of the sun.
We are all travelers occupying a single spaceship, the planet earth. If we harm any part of our world, we ultimately harm ourselves. Our awareness of this truth will provide us the means to better understand the teaching on Oneness.
- Popular Movements
Pro-lifers battle the Pro-choicers out in the streets, in front of abortion clinics, in church pulpits, on radio, television and in print media; all the better for us to decide on the merits of their case. The Gay Rights Movement is a part of the continuing fight for the rights of the oppressed minority and the underprivileged. It follows after the war on slavery and equal rights for blacks. The ascendance of women to positions of equal power comes after Golda Meier, Margaret Thatcher, Cory Aquino, Hillary Clinton and Indira Gandhi, proving that one’s sex is neither a handicap nor a hindrance.
- Unidentified Flying Objects and Alien Beings
We will continue to be bombarded with news and stories concerning UFOs. However, our confusion will dissipate when, as prophesied, these expectedly friendly alien beings make their formal appearance. Eventually, we will be able to interact with these highly advanced beings to our greater benefit. They are very much a part of the coming new age.
- The Power of Thought
Before anything else was, there was thought. And everything came about as a consequence of thought. Thought creates. This is the principle behind all the positive thinking that certain groups teach — those groups that practice visualization techniques and those that decree into being by the power of their imagination. Two of them are the Science of Mind and Silva Mind Control. But the faithful are also firm believers and practitioners. When we pray, believing that we have already received what we ask for, it is this same principle that comes into play. However, instead of wisely utilizing their newfound ability to further the goal of spiritual development, many use it to obtain material objectives and things.
- Psychic Phenomena
In recognition of these widely experienced occurrences, the science of Parapsychology was born. And now, psychical research is well respected and conducted with the support of governments, the scientific community and the academe.
The assistance of psychics has been much sought after in the investigation of gruesome crimes. The prophecies of Nostradamus have been very well scrutinized even by governments with a view to gaining political advantage; and where there were unfavorable overtones, the prophecies were downplayed and discredited.
Uri Geller once was the toast of society when his telekinetic powers became publicized. There have been countless instances of telepathic communication even among ordinary men and women. And there are many accounts of out-of-body-experiences and astral traveling by those who have experienced these themselves. While some have attained to their psychic experiences through drug-induced methods.
By whatever means attained, these experiences provide incontrovertible proofs and are the magical windows from which we can look and know the nature of the True Reality, the World that lies beyond Earth.
- Healing Arts
Many new alternative methods of healing are also gaining acceptance. New health foods, fine crystals, herbs and even pyramids are being availed of. The holistic healing method considers not just the physical condition but also the patient’s spiritual, mental and emotional wellbeing. Edgar Cayce even prescribed certain poisons to be used as medicine and he reveals the direct relationship between our diseases and ailments and the mistakes we have committed in our past incarnations.
- Proofs of Survival of the Spirit Consciousness and the Existence of the Spirit World
Researches have been done on patients who died and were declared clinically dead, but who were later resuscitated back to life. One such researcher was Dr. Raymond Moody. His book ‘Life after Life’ was, to many in the West, an eye-opener. But he was not alone.
At the risk of losing her career, Shirley MacLaine boldly announced the availability of communication with the Other-World through channeling. Spirit guides are now being contacted everyday, even with the lights turned on. Arthur Ford sends his messages through Ruth Montgomery by automatic typing. Seth speaks on the technical aspects of spiritual reality to the scientists. Nature spirits, dwarves and elves continue their playful encounters with humans.
- Reincarnation and Karma
In 325, Emperor Constantine after being converted to the Faith called the first ecumenical council at Nicaea to settle questions of doctrine. This resulted in the adoption of the Nicene Creed, which later became the basis of all church doctrine from that day forward.
It was here that certain books were selected for inclusion in the "Authorized" Bible while others were banned and discredited. It was here, also, that the teachings on Reincarnation and Karma were disauthorized. All references to such principles were then expunged from the sacred books and these teachings were henceforth suppressed and regarded as heretic.
However, in the Bible itself even now, there are still veiled allusions to the Doctrine of Reincarnation which have survived the rewriting of the Scriptures. They can be seen in the references to Elijah returning in the flesh as John the Baptist and to Jesus, himself, before he became Jesus. In addition, there are the comments of Jesus’ disciples regarding the reasons why a man came to be born blind. And Karma is only the sowing and reaping mentioned by St. Paul. There are other passages that are just as elucidating to the earnest seeker.
What Jesus himself taught, his so-called followers just a few hundred years after his death denied. Deciding that they know better than their Lord, the church leaders voted to drop reincarnation and karma from the catechetical teachings. However, the Truth will not be denied for long.
More recently, these teachings have been reinstituted into Scripture through their inclusion in the ‘Aquarian Gospel’ by Levi. Moreover, the Edgar Cayce files are replete with illustrative life readings. Arthur Ford contributes some interesting insights relating to prominent personalities who have only recently departed. Lobsang Rampa, the Tibetan Lama, ably provides the rationale behind these principles. For the scientific-minded, Dr. Ian Stevenson through his 2,000 researched cases, Dr. Helen Wambach through her experiments in hypnotic regressions and many others have presented their own evidences in support of reincarnation. The books are in our stores.
- Spiritism, Guidance by the Holy Spirit
As foretold by Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit or the Spirits of Truth are now extending their divine guidance and instruction to everyone. Their objective is to facilitate our enlightenment and further our spiritual development.
In this school, instruction is not only based on the second-hand information or hearsay evidence contained in the Bible and other revered writings. Instead, each student is afforded the special opportunity to prove the theoretical teachings by drawing from his own personal experiences.
Those who are so inclined are aided in the development of their spiritual faculties. Those who prefer to serve in other ways are similarly assisted. Although Spiritism is not for everyone, those who genuinely aspire to get to heaven should seriously consider attending this school.
From East to West, the unfolding continues. The whole world must be prepared for the coming of the Age of Revelation.
Today, in place of the confusion, there is the beginning of learning. From the various books on positive thinking to personal psychic experiences and travels to worlds beyond: from UFO sightings to ‘Life after Life’s’ "Beings of Light;" from the evangelists’ prayers for healing and the 700 Club’s words of knowledge to the bare-handed operations of psychic surgeons; from the teachings of the gurus and the Ancient Wisdom of Theosophy to the dissertations of Lobsang Rampa; from the speaking in tongues and the Marian apparitions and messages to communication with Spirit guides and Holy Spirits, the Truth is on the march.
We have had enough of half-truths, false allegations and blind teachings. Today, we can begin to see the True Light. Through our own personal experiences, we can learn and understand far more than ever before. We only need to open up our hearts and minds. We only need to let the Light shine in.
At 7:12 PM,
Seven Star Hand said…
Hello 'Luz',
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