The Secrets of the Kingdom

The Inner Quest Study Course on the Teachings of the Holy Spirits

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Lesson 3 -- Solutions

5 points per item
  1. There is only one true religion, mine.

    D. Every religion is specially suited to its followers, helping them to pass on to the next stage of their development. Each has its own differences in approach and emphasis but all of them have certain qualities and teachings that every student can benefit from.

  2. An eye for an eye.

    D. This Old Testament teaching during the days of our youth and ignorance has already been superseded by the teachings of Jesus Christ. He said, "Don’t judge, Return love for hate, and Love your enemies."

  3. The Gurus and Spiritual Masters who are in the world are only students, themselves.

    A. They may be advanced and very much ahead of us but they, too, have their own lessons to learn. No one is perfect here on earth.

  4. In matters of faith, the Pope is infallible.

    D. No one on earth is infallible even if he is divinely inspired. Everyone here is subject to error.

  5. Gautama attained enlightenment just by meditating.

    D. Enlightenment comes as a consequence of a high level of spiritual attainment. Through meditation, we are able to transcend the mind and access or recall that which we have already learned in our past lives. However, our degree of enlightenment can only correspond to the level in the order of evolution to which we have arrived.

  6. All men go to heaven when they die.

    D. Only those who have lived according to the divine will of God can merit heaven. However, there are "many mansions" or graded levels of heaven. We go to the plane we deserve depending on our own thoughts and deeds.

  7. If we only knew how to pray, all our requests would surely be granted.

    D. The granting of our prayer requests depends on spiritual considerations, whether it will be helpful or harmful to our spiritual development. That considered, everything useful and helpful comes to us whether we pray for them or not.

  8. Simply choose the best alternative or the least evil.

    A. On earth, many of our choices and alternatives are far from ideal. It is enough that we choose the best from the lot or the least harmful.

  9. The physical yoga exercises increase spirituality.

    D. Physical yoga pertains only to the physical body. Spirituality relates to character, righteousness, loving and serving our brothers.

  10. A man not tempted is not proved.

    A. This is an Islamic teaching which tends to explain why we undergo trials on earth. Here, we are examined to prove our worthiness. In addition, the proof of learning is in the doing. He who doesn’t do proves that he doesn’t really know.

  11. No soul shall bear the burden of another.

    A. This is another teaching of Islam which simply restates the principle of personal responsibility.

  12. A priest is, of course, spiritually superior to other men.

    D. There is the presumption that the guide is ahead of those he is guiding. However, this is not necessarily true in every case. Even priests and even prophets are undergoing training and development in their line of work. And false guides are with us to teach us how to discern and decide wisely concerning the things of life.

  13. The different religions represent the different aspects of the One Truth.

    A. The Truth is so all-encompassing. To better comprehend it, it is broken down into smaller, easy to learn parts. But all the religions are parts of the whole Truth.

  14. Each person’s understanding of the divine truths can only correspond to his own level in the order of evolution.

    A. No one can really understand unless he has personally experienced the fact and the teachings. Our capacity to understand then depends on how much we have learned from our accumulated experiences, including those that we have learned from all our past incarnations.

  15. Monogamy is, of course, the best form of marriage for everybody.

    D. What is good for one person is not necessarily good for another. To the Muslims, having just one wife is less than desirable. God gave everyone a free will and the right to decide for oneself. Provided that all of the principal parties are in agreement, then nothing is wrong. All such circumstances and relationships are merely lessons and experiences provided us so that we may learn from them.

  16. Patriotism is a positive spiritual trait.

    D. Patriotism is a grade higher than self-interest but falls short of true spiritualism. True spirituality puts the interests of the whole above that of self and realizes its oneness with the Divine. All men, regardless of their nationality, are brothers.

  17. Sex is bad for the soul.

    D. Sex is natural, normal and necessary for spirits who are at a certain stage of development. Sex must be fully learned, experienced and enjoyed before one can advance to higher levels of development. The rule is for as long as we have a need, that need must be satisfied.

  18. Old Testament teachings are valid even today.

    D. Many of the Old Testament teachings are no longer applicable to us. In fact, many have already been amended. The blind obedience of Abraham, an eye for an eye, the vengeful and jealous God of Moses and the blood of the lamb (Christ) as an acceptable sacrifice — All these were actually upgraded and superseded by the teachings of Jesus.

  19. All that we will ever need to know are already written in the Holy Scriptures.

    D. Jesus himself said, "There is so much more I want to tell you..." There are many new teachings which are only now being made available but they can be received only by those who are ready for them.

  20. We should not add or detract from what is written in the Bible.

    D. We really have no recourse but to do so. Depending on what we have already experienced, we add to or detract from the teachings in the Bible. Our own personal experiences are the only true bases from which we may be able to discern which is true or false and true from that which is only half-true.


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