Reincarnation and Karma
The Earth as a Classroom
To those who don’t know, even the simplest things can be very complicated. But even the most complicated things are really quite simple to those who know. In every instance, all things complex can always be reduced to simpler and more common terms. God is simple, just as He is complex. And in order to better understand the meaning of life on Earth, let us assume, if as yet you cannot believe, that the Earth, however large and complex it may seem to some of us, is, simply, as a classroom, one among many in the Universe.
Our sun, to which system we belong, is only one of the hundred million or more stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way, which, itself, is just one of many galaxies in the observable Universe. In the vastness of outer space, our planet is only a tiny and insignificant speck of dust suspended in a limitless void. It is far more reasonable, therefore, to consider that we are not alone. And that, in all probability, there are countless millions of other planets capable of generating life. To a growing number of our scientists, there are enough confirmed UFO sightings and extra-terrestrial related incidents to strongly suggest the very real possibility of the existence of other and more intelligent life forms originating from these other planets.
To those who are spiritually inclined, however, there are far more reliable sources of information, which do not only suggest, but confirm such a possibility. Some adepts are allowed to astral travel and visit these other planets and bring back information to people on Earth. According to these sources, there are, definitely, other planets harboring life, though they may not necessarily be in the form to which we are accustomed. There are other classrooms where higher learning is undertaken and other subjects are taken up.
As to the subject lessons taken up on Earth, the Bible spells it out for us in ‘Genesis’. God told Adam and Eve, "You may eat the fruit of any tree in the garden, except the tree that gives knowledge of what is good and what is bad. You must not eat the fruit of that tree; for if you do, you will die." Jesus later on tells us to "Seek, first, the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things will be added on to us." Simply put then, we are here to learn what is good and what is bad from first-hand experience. And in practicing right living, we will henceforth be able to carry on with the rest of our eternal lives in a way that is pleasing in the eyes of God.
We are spirit beings. However, much like human babies, in the beginning, we were created innocent and ignorant. God endowed us with eternal life and gave us free will. We are of the same essence as God, and are capable of the very same properties. We are parts of the Supreme God. However, we who are yet here on Earth are as children, childish and immature, in the beginning stages of our spiritual development.
In the Spirit World, in our natural spirit state, there is no pressing need to undertake the activities that afford learning. There is no physical pain. There is no hunger or thirst. There is every freedom and few limitations. There is, therefore, a tendency for us to take things too easily and to neglect certain important matters relating to the development of our character that are distasteful to us or are, otherwise, difficult to learn. This results in weakness that requires our special attention in order to correct. Now, pain and suffering are very effective teachers. They teach the lessons that are difficult to understand. And since pain and suffering can best be experienced in a material plane such as the Earth, therefore, we choose to occupy and motivate material flesh bodies that will provide us the vehicle for learning these hard lessons.
Unique Characteristics of Life on Earth
On Earth, when we study certain subjects, we equip our classroom with special facilities. To illustrate, when we study chemistry, we have a laboratory, test tubes, chemicals, Bunsen burners, and we wear ordinary school uniforms. However, when we shift to other subjects, our whole surroundings may change completely. Should we be taking up physical education, then we might go to the gym or the swimming pool, wear rubber shoes, shorts or swimming trunks, whichever is applicable. And as we take on various other studies, our whole classroom changes accordingly, depending on what is needed. Similarly, Earth, as a place for study, has certain specialized facilities, which may not be as available elsewhere in creation.
One of these is a form of amnesia concerning our existence prior to our birth in the physical world. Usually, we cannot recall our previous past lives or incarnations. Nevertheless, insights into these past experiences may be available through our intuition. One of the reasons why this condition is advantageous to learning is that it limits distractions. It keeps us focused on the work we are to do. It otherwise conserves our energies and enables us to work more purposefully towards the attainment of our set objectives in life. The truth is, we know a lot more than what we bring to Earth; but we don’t bring everything, because everything is not needed. Instead, we bring only that which we need to succeed in what we have set out to do.
Another condition is a compulsion to work in order to sustain life. Man requires, among others, food, clothing and shelter. In the higher planes, we have no need of these. But, upon the Earth, these needs impel us to some action. This compulsion guards against indolence or passivity and instead, promotes industry. And in the process, we are able to develop in every way.
Another advantage is the provision of a disguise or a means of camouflage. Spirit age is apart from physical age. Spirit entities are at different levels of evolvement. However, this fact is not evident, because the spirit is covered up by the physical body. And man tends to judge the worthiness of another man by the physical body which is the part of us that is visible, and not by the spirit, because this is hidden. In effect, any spirit can dress himself up in fine clothes or physical bodies and pretend to all the world that he is a great spirit, when, in fact, he is not. However, in the Spirit World, there is no falsehood and nothing can be hidden. By our colors which denote our actual state of development, everyone will know us for who we really are.
Still, the putting on of a disguise serves to provide a fresh new beginning to those who have to start over. It affords them an easier time, not being bothered by the stigma attaching to past failures. For those who have done well previously, there comes a greater appreciation for the things they have earned and will again enjoy. It is also true that we tend to take many things for granted, but we appreciate them all the more when we experience the loss of them.
Another advantage is the fear of death instilled in us. In the Spirit reality, there is no death. But, if we did not have this fear of death, many would be tempted to quit life at the first sign of difficulty, rather than strive to do their utmost until they are able to overcome every hardship. This fear is with us, then, so that it may keep us alive, at school upon the Earth and open to our lessons. This condition prevents our skipping classes, fights our escapist tendencies and promotes learning.
Another unique advantage is the illusion of physical pain and disease. We are spirit beings; we are not our physical bodies. While pain alerts us to the need of correcting a physical disorder, the actual disease or physical ailment, itself, serves as an eye-opener and warning device. It is a clear signal that denotes the existence of a very real spiritual defect that is the true cause of the disease. And as we seek for relief from such physical ailments, we are able to learn of the real and spiritual root causes of these conditions and we, inevitably, arrive at some deeper understanding into the meaning of our life.
Still another unique advantage is the illusion of sex. In the Highest Realms, there is no sex. We will be as the angels, complete in one. The male and the female principles correspond to the positive and negative aspects of a single entity. Earth society has assigned specific roles to each of the sexes. The male focuses on wisdom, knowledge, justice, fairness, responsibility and decision-making, among others; while the female usually centers on love and understanding, bringing up children, sympathy, affection and the like. The male is the more dominant, while the female is the dominated, though, not always. The subsequent union of all of these attributes into one produces a more perfect and balanced individual.
Sometimes, it is determined that for greater spiritual progress, both roles, the male and the female, have to be undertaken in the course of a single lifetime, then, the third sex results. This is true in the case of those who have undergone operations to alter their sex as well as for the hermaphrodites. This alternative lifestyle, far from being unreasonable or illogical, is actually the most advantageous condition in certain cases, because it enables a spirit entity to have a more balanced development, being afforded the opportunity to develop both male and female aspects of its character without having to wait for another incarnation.
The choice of sex depends on the traits one desires to develop. We should take on the sex which will afford us the means to become strong where we are weak. However, when a spirit entity has a strong personal preference for one particular sex over another, usually, certain traits become more developed than others. And, when the time comes that we are required to incarnate as a member of the opposite sex than that preferred, our dominant traits tend to exert too great an influence resulting in the homosexual or lesbian condition.
Such an imbalanced state, however, is not at all abnormal. Until we are able to attain to perfect development, which is not possible for those who are still here on Earth, we will all be suffering from a similar imbalance. However, eventually, these, too, will be resolved.
And in addition, other spiritual benefits similar to those available to all who find themselves discriminated against, as will be discussed later, can also be available. Therefore, even these seemingly undesirable conditions from the worldly point of view are really desirable and advantageous from the point of view of the spiritual.
Simulated Circumstances and Situations
Upon the Earth, the medium of instruction is experience. In order that the requisite experiences may be undertaken, certain circumstances and situations are necessarily simulated. These experiences correspond to experiments done in class to demonstrate the validity of proposed theories and, at the same time, they provide the most effective means of testing out what the student has already learned.
The more common of these are the following:
- Physical handicaps
These can be any physical deformity, even blindness or deafness. These conditions may be inborn or subsequently induced, whether intentionally or, seemingly, by accident.
When we have a physical handicap, we are not able to function as well as others. And this teaches us to proceed at a much slower pace and be more patient. Should a deformity be caused by someone, intentionally, very definitely, we would learn that to cause one harm is a very wrong thing, and the opportunity would be given to us to practice forgiveness. Also, this condition would provide us the most effective means of understanding the plight of the handicapped. Likewise, we would be placed in a position where we may receive and appreciate the mercy and sympathy bestowed on us by others. Further, being dependent on others, we would learn to be more humble and, in our turn, even in our future incarnations, we would be more open to helping all others who may be less fortunate in life.
One of the worst rulers in history was Nero. Tyranny and murder characterized his rule as Emperor of Rome. It is said that he caused the burning of two-thirds of the City of Rome and, thereafter, caused the persecution of the Christians whom he made his scapegoats. All the while, he must have thought that he would never be made to pay for his crimes. But he was wrong.
According to the Edgar Cayce readings, the entity that was Nero lived again. Only, this time, in a sub-human condition. He lived, but it was as if he were dead, because his new physical body was totally deformed and his whole body was continually racked with pain. He was mentally deranged and he could not do the simplest things without the aid of others. Such is the fate of all who transgress the law of love.
- War and peace
In like manner, these bring lessons in courage, kindness, mercy, sympathy and compassion. Conditions of war bring to one an immunity to strife and violent action. It acts in much the same way as vaccination. We gladly undergo a few moments of pain and discomfort in the present in exchange for total freedom from the contemplated affliction for the remainder of our eternal lives. Consequently, the ways of peace become the best choices.
Napoleon is the envy of many men. He conquered half of Europe and crowned himself Emperor of the French. He rose to the very peak and crashed down to the bottom. In all these, the accompanying frustration, despondency and the total loss of all that one considers important are utterly unbearable. Still, this entity has persisted in his lust for all the wrong things. And in his subsequent incarnations, according to Arthur Ford, he has continued, unsuccessfully, to bring back his lost glories through his involvement in one war after another. And he has suffered much and will suffer more still, until he mends his ways and he espouses the cause of peace and non-aggression.
- Injustices
These refer to the suppression or abuse of all forms of human rights and freedoms. In order for us to be clarified on these concepts, it is necessary that we fall victim to such suppression or abuse. And in so experiencing such unjust conditions, we learn to be more tolerant, and we learn to live and let live, allowing for others the same degree of liberties and freedoms that we, ourselves, require. These conditions teach justice and fairness, understanding and tolerance.
To atone for their atrocities, certain members of the Ku Klux Klan and other similarly motivated organizations may be required to experience to the same degree those very same atrocities they caused others to suffer, while, at the same time, helping the cause of the oppressed. In this connection, some past abusers may even return as great reformers. Hitler and his minions will have to repay in like manner, because no one can escape God’s justice. Everyone must pay to the last penny.
- Poverty and wealth
These teach lessons in pride and humility, kindness to those in need. By experiencing these conditions, we learn to manage our resources more efficiently, whether they be meager or abundant. Conditions of poverty and other similar handicaps provide us with the opportunity to rise above ourselves in the service of others. For "We must be perfect, as the Father in heaven is perfect."
- Fame and notoriety, success and failure
These are fleeting and illusory. All things are continuing in nature. Each experience brings some gain. Each success or failure is only a stepping-stone towards some greater success. Repetitive experiences of these conditions free us from delusions of grandeur and build in us confidence in self and in self’s own abilities.
- Power and position
These opportunities are given to those who need to develop leadership qualities. They clarify the laws governing the use of power and authority over others. Such conditions enable us to come to the realization that all power is supposed to be administered for the good of others and not just for one’s own benefit.
- Problems and crises
These are great builders of strength, fortitude and patience. Likewise, they bring on added skills in the process. The subsequent result is greater wisdom in all things.
- Family relationships, marriage, divorce and single-blessedness
Although marriages to be consummated on Earth are made in heaven, in heaven, itself, there are no marriages. We will be complete entities attaining to union with God. Our goal is oneness. These stated conditions teach selflessness, brotherhood and eventual oneness. The progressive stages to oneness are: a single individual, a family, a community; a nation, brotherhood-in-spirit; oneness of all creation and oneness with God.
Before we can advance in selflessness, we must first learn the basic principles of give and take, of self-sacrifice and of consideration for others. Ignorance of these is the cause of broken relationships and marriages. And when one cannot get along with others, in future incarnations, he will find himself, alone. These are the effects of our own negative inclinations. And as to the consequences of such negative attitudes, there can be no escape.
- Natural calamities
These may include floods, fires and earthquakes. They bring necessary lessons in flexibility, avoidance, acceptance and adaptability while bringing on added wisdom.
- Birth and death
Actually, being born on Earth is, simply, coming to class, and death is returning home to the Spirit World, which is the real world. In order for us to be able to manifest upon the Earth plane, we must incarnate and motivate a physical body. Only in this way can we avail of the special opportunities available on Earth towards our further spiritual development. When our contemplated lessons are over, then, we die. And through death, we are reborn into the Spirit World, our true home.
God, in His infinite wisdom, allows and, in fact, approves of these conditions, circumstances and situations — poverty, war, physical handicaps, injustices and calamities — so that these conditions and circumstances may benefit the spirit being, even at the expense of the physical body, which is not at all important in the eyes of God.
However, these very same conditions and circumstances are the very things that man, in his ignorance, in his illusion, seeks to abolish. But if we will only seek for the truth, then, the truth shall set us free.
Most of the people in the world may find it extremely difficult to understand and, much less, accept the validity of these insights into the true meaning and purpose behind our Earthly experiences. Such is the sorry state of ignorance prevailing in the world. However, fortunately for us, God is not so affected by such human incapacity. He thinks not as the world thinks. And if only man could accept these truths, then, he would better appreciate the merits of Reincarnation and the Karmic Law and, likewise, he would be in a better position to fully benefit from their operation.
But to clarify matters further, let us go back a while, to the time before we were born. At that time, somewhere in the Spirit World, there was a conference. We conferred with our guides for the purpose of formulating a plan of Earthly existence designed to provide us with the most effective means of further developing ourselves. Upon the Earth, we can compare this to our schedule for the following day, or as it relates to class, it is the lesson plan. This plan is what we often refer to as our karma. And it is the natural consequence and result of all our accumulated deeds and misdeeds.
Karma is the law of compensation and retribution, the law of cause and effect. It means: what we sow, we reap; love and we will be loved; forgive and we will be forgiven; an eye for an eye, and all debts must be repaid. Karma then guarantees the restoration of harmony and balance in all things. And if we are wise, we will learn to do only what is good, in order that only good will return to us.
Karma may also be defined, as it applies to Earth life, as the provisioning of simulated conditions, circumstances and situations designed to teach the essence of love and virtue. In preparing our Life Plan, we include certain conditions, circumstances and situations, those that we discussed earlier, poverty, war, injustice, disease and death, because we are aware of their valuable contribution towards our further development.
So it is that we are taught; "Do unto others," because what we do to others and for others, we are, actually and in fact, doing to ourselves and for ourselves since this is the natural and direct consequence of the Law of Karma. In addition, remember that we are one. Whatever good comes to one part benefits the whole. And whatever harm befalls another is felt by all.
Now, it is time for us to reflect on our own present situation. With the knowledge of the true realities of life, we are now in a position to diagnose our own ailments. Do we now realize who we really are? Why are we here and how best should we live the remainder of our lives? What are the things we need to learn still? Let us begin to know ourselves. And, as we continue to seek, we will find every answer.
At 3:35 AM,
Janae said…
Your work was a true pleasure to read. Thank you!
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